Half Price Books
5803 E. NW Hwy
Dallas, Texas
Time: 7:30pm
We will be discussing Bottomless Belly Button by Dash Shaw. Please meet at the benches at the front entrance facing NW Hwy.
Well, I’ve had the darndest time getting confirmation from my contact
at Half-Price Books regarding using the space. Regardless, let’s go
ahead and just meet there if no one minds congregating in the coffee
shop on site if the community room is being used. The Half-Price
Books we will meet at is the large one on Northwest Highway, located
just east of I-75 at 5803 E. Northwest Hwy., Dallas, TX 75231. Just
in case you need to reach me, my cell number is 972-762-1810.
Here is a map to the store on Google Maps:
We will meet at 7:30 p.m. by the information desk just inside the main
entrance of the store (I figure this is more visible than meeting back
in the community room, in case some of you have not been there before).
This month’s book is Three Shadows by Cyril Pedrosa. I look forward
to seeing everyone at our first non-museum Comic Book Club!