Book suggestions from 1/14/10 Meetup

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Appears to be out of print.

Futurama –The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis (release date 4/1/10)

Archie – I just pulled a book that showed up at the top of the Amazon list and was a recent publication.
The High School Chronicles: Archie Freshman Year – Book 1 (High School Chronicles (Archie))
The Punisher Meets Archie – Vol. 1, No. 1 (August 1994) (August 1994) (for fun)

I Kill Giants

Dr. Fate: Countdown to Mystery


I know I recommended a lot but I’ll narrow it down with Josh.

Here’s some ones I do recommend if you haven’t read.

Twelve Reasons Why I Love Her

Fables Vol. 1: Legends in Exile

Super Hero Books

We3 – Appears to be out of print.

Planetary Vol. 1: All Over the World and Other Stories

Y: The Last Man, Vol. 1: Unmanned

Crime Books –

Next Comic Book Club – 5/14 – and List of Books Through 2009

A little late on my notice this month – sorry, all. The next Comic Book Club is this Thursday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m. We will be meeting again at the large Half Price Books on Northwest Hwy (here is a link to the store information on the HFP site:, and let’s plan to congregate at the benches just inside the entrance (the main entrance, not the one going directly into the coffee shop). It was a great place to meet last month, and there are a plethora of places for us to sit and gab in case the back room is being used.

This month we will be discussing the Tintin story Cigars of the Pharoah, a rollicking good adventure of everyone’s favorite Belgian boy reporter. It is by Hergé and available either as a thin stand-alone volume (in larger album format) or within the first volume of the hardback 3-in-1 editions (sandwiched between Tintin in America and The Blue Lotus).

We had a great time last month with a bunch of good suggestions for future titles to read. I have put together a few for the rest of the year. Let me know what you think!

June 11: Identity Crisis by Brad Meltzer and Rags Morales
July 9: Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse
August 13: Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes (Book 1) by Neil Gaiman, Sam Keith, Mike Dringenberg, and Malcolm Jones III
September 10: Bottomless Belly Button by Dash Shaw
October 8: Mystery Play by Grant Morrison and Jon J. Muth
November 12: Madman: Volume 1 by Mike Allred
December 10: Castle Waiting (Book 1) by Linda Medley

See you all on Thursday!
[Posted by Josh Rose]

Next Comic Book Club – 4/9 at Half-Price Books on Northwest Hwy

Well, I’ve had the darndest time getting confirmation from my contact
at Half-Price Books regarding using the space. Regardless, let’s go
ahead and just meet there if no one minds congregating in the coffee
shop on site if the community room is being used. The Half-Price
Books we will meet at is the large one on Northwest Highway, located
just east of I-75 at 5803 E. Northwest Hwy., Dallas, TX 75231. Just
in case you need to reach me, my cell number is 972-762-1810.

Here is a map to the store on Google Maps:…

We will meet at 7:30 p.m. by the information desk just inside the main
entrance of the store (I figure this is more visible than meeting back
in the community room, in case some of you have not been there before).

This month’s book is Three Shadows by Cyril Pedrosa. I look forward
to seeing everyone at our first non-museum Comic Book Club!

April questions

Not sure if I will be able to make this weeks meeting.
I’ll post this on Google group email list and Facebook. (Three Shadows
by Cyril Pedrosa will probably be the choice.) I think we decided to stay with Thursday nights. 7pm?
3. location?
Now that we have these 3 utilities to communicate it might get a
little confusing so make sure you join.
1. – just to see comments. I hope to use
the comments for additional chatting after the club. Plus adding
comments for those that miss the meetings.
2. – for those
that just like email.
3. – If
Facebook floats your boat.


The next 2 meetings are the final ones at the Dallas Museum of Art.

Thursdays, 8:00 p.m., Free, Meet at the Visitor Services Desk
Join fellow book lovers, art aficionados, and comic fans each month for lively conversation about graphic novels and comics.